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I soon found the uninvited guest hiding in the corner, hey, as long as you don't eat me, I promise...not eat you!


As an alien creature, it doesn't look very strange. I mean, many monsters in science fiction movies are scarier than this guy.

Although I was very careful, it was difficult to keep quiet when moving with the ground full of rubbish. The monster was quickly alarmed by me, and then it flew.


This guy can fly, well, that's normal. It was originally flying into the cargo hold, but the level of flight is as bad as my grandmother...

I put on the interstellar peace gesture, hoping that the other party's civilization level can be higher than the appearance, oh! It's coming!


The monster flew straight to me without slowing down. I suddenly realized that this guy doesn't even have a hand. Does it make sense to gesture? I'll run away!

That guy actually hit the airtight cabin directly! It hurts to look at it, it must be dead... uh, it's still alive... uh... it seems to be electrocuted...


After a round of electrotherapy, the monster took off again. I don't know if it was provoked or electricity silly. This time it was a rampage! This is terrible!

The cargo hold was broken and broken by monsters, and I would be really homeless if I didn't take any measures! The situation is urgent, I can only come hard!


I won this gun from a bet from a bankrupt killer. I have never used it before, and now I finally have a chance to try it!

Aim, fire, and shoot! What did I shoot? control console!


As the console turned into a pile of smoking scrap iron, the freight channel slowly opened...

The monster is very happy to have a huge export, after all, its flying skills are so bad!


By the way, when you go back and tell your fellows, it's not fun at all here!

The fog outside has reduced a bit, and I see more monsters!


They are actually eating land! This is how the potholes on the ground came from!

Is this stuff delicious? I grabbed a pile of residue and imagined its taste... Given the current situation, maybe one day I will have to...


My thoughts were interrupted by the commotion from the sky, I followed the prestige!

I realized then that the show has just begun!


The monsters are all coming to eat the land? ! What a prime location! Very eat slowly, don't come to me!

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